Derbyshire Places of Worship

We have 3 Images St Peter's Church, Edensor (1) St Peter's Church, Edensor (2) St Peter's Church, Edensor (3) Above Photograph(s)
Copyright of Andrew McCann/Godfrey Bowring/Alf Beard
St Peter's Church, Edensor
St Peter's Church,
Chatsworth Estate,
Edensor, Derbyshire.


This Church has (or had) a graveyard.

Note: any church within an urban environment may have had its graveyard closed after the Burial Act of 1853. Any new church built after that is unlikely to have had a graveyard at all.

Church History

This Place of Worship was founded in the 14th century, and we understand it is still open.

Kelly's Directory of 1932 describes Edensor as a township, parish and village, just outside Chatsworth park, 3 miles from Hassop station, on the Midland section of the London, Midland and Scottish railway, 2½ east-north-east from Bakewell and 8½ from Matlock. The church of St Peter, "standing on an eminence and approached by a flight of steps, was almost entirely rebuilt under the direction of Sir G. Gilbert Scott R.A. in 1867". It consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch, bell-cote on the eastern gable of the nave, and a tower at the west end with lofty broach spire, containing 6 bells, partly recast from the former 4 bells in 1867, one of which, dated 1669, is now hung over the stables at Chatsworth.

The nave is separated from the aisles by arcades of four arches, several of these, as well as the ancient Norman columns, being part of the original church. The south porch retains portions of Norman work, and several ancient slabs, with incised crosses, have been built into it.

The return to the Religious Census of 1851 (HO 129/449/1/21/37) for "Edensor Church", records an estimated congregation on March 30th of 157 in the morning, with a class of 54 Sunday Scholars. It was completed by Henry J. Ellison, the Vicar, who gave his address as "Edensor, Bakewell".

This was of course compiled before the Church was rebuilt. Probably the most notable difference between then and now is that it had a tower, and no spire. Those interested in a fuller description may wish to consult pp.552-553 of White's 1857 Directory of Derbyshire, transcribed by Neil Wilson.

Many of the monuments were, of course transferred, including a brass, now set against the north wall of the chancel, with an inscription and effigy to James Beton, Comptroller of the Household to Mary Queen of Scots, who died in 1570, during the time the Queen was a prisoner at Chatsworth House - of dysentery, aged 32. The brass was erected by his brothers, James, Archbishop of Glasgow, and Andrew, Ambassador to France. On the north side is a brass to Mr John Philips, of Chatsworth (1735) and in the chancel is a memorial window to Lord Frederick Charles Cavendish P.C. M.P. Chief Secretary for Ireland, assassinated in Phoenix park, Dublin, in 1882.

The parish register dates from 1540, "and is in fair condition". The living was (in 1932) a vicarage in the gift of the Duke of Devonshire, and had been held since 1918 by the Rev. William Horace Foster Pegg M.A. of University College, Oxford.

Interested researchers may also wish to know there is a transcription of Memorials in the Churchyard available on the website of the Rev. Clive Thrower, a former vicar of a group of neighbouring parishes.

There may be more information available by by selecting one or more of the accompanying images on the right.


Now or formerly Church of England.

If more than one congregation has worshipped here, or its congregation has united with others, in most cases this will record its original dedication.


This Church is located at OS grid reference SK2507969898. You can see this on various mapping systems. Note all links open in a new window:


I have found many websites of use whilst compiling the information for this database. Here are some which deserve mention as being of special interest for Edensor, and perhaps to Local History and Places of Worship as a whole.

The above links were selected and reviewed at the time I prepared the information, but please be aware their content may vary, or disappear entirely. These factors are outside my control.

Information last updated on 8 Dec 2018 at 11:23.

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Further Information

This site provides historical information about churches, other places of worship and cemeteries. It has no affiliation with the churches or congregations themselves, nor is it intended to provide a means to find places of worship in the present day.

Please also remember that whilst the above account may suggest that St Peter's Church remains open and accessible, this may not remain so.

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This Report was created 14 Feb 2025 - 21:01:27 GMT from information held in the Derbyshire section of the Places of Worship Database. This was last updated on 13 Oct 2021 at 14:33.

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