Gloucestershire Places of Worship

Default Image We do not have an Image of this Place of Worship as it has been Demolished Place of Worship has been

Image by courtesy of
Sargent Street Chapel (Demolished), Bedminster, Bristol
Sargent Street Chapel (Demolished),
Sargent Street / Willway Street, BS3 4BG,
Bedminster, Bristol, Gloucestershire.


We believe the Chapel did NOT have a graveyard.

Note: any church within an urban environment may have had its graveyard closed after the Burial Act of 1853. Any new church built after that is unlikely to have had a graveyard at all.

Church History

This Place of Worship was founded in 1850, but we understand it was closed after 1914.

Ashmead's Maps of Bristol of 1855 show a building labelled as a Chapel opposite the west end of Sargent Street, which at that time was a no-through-road, but now meets Willway Street at a T-junction. I have assumed this corresponds to a return to the Religious Census of 1851 (HO 129/328/1/1/8) for "Sargeant Street Chapel", in Bedminster, which was "opened for Divine Worship in September 1850". It was a separate building, used exclusively as a place of worship by an Independent congregation, with seating for 300 (all free); and the average number of worshippers was said to be 100 in the afternoons, and 300 in the evenings. The return was completed by Henry Kingdon, who styled himself "City Missionary & Minister", and lived at "Victoria Place, Bedminster, Bristol". He remarked that "this place of worship is situated in the midst of a poor & very populous neighbourhood, and has arisen out of the Labours of the Bristol City Mission Society. Sunday nights it is always crowded with attentive congregations. There are also three services held in it on other evenings of the..." [the photocopy is cut off at this point]

According to Maps of the 1880s, it had become a Congregational Chapel by then, and by Maps of the 1900s, it has the appearance of becoming part of a school - the main entrance of which faced Stillhouse Lane. The same association is suggested in Kelly's Directory of Bristol of 1914, which lists a City Mission Chapel both in Sargent Street, and in Stillhouse Lane, the latter adjacent to Bedminster Bridge Council Schools. Possibly the two entries may refer to front and rear access to the same building, but equally, they may have been separate premises.

It is not know what happened to the Chapel after this time. In the present day, a building still exists on the site, but it appears to be newer, and further back from the road than the Chapel, and is part of a complex named "Ferodo House".


Now or formerly City Mission.

If more than one congregation has worshipped here, or its congregation has united with others, in most cases this will record its original dedication.


This Chapel was located at OS grid reference ST5900671806. You can see this on various mapping systems. Note all links open in a new window:

Information last updated on 8 Aug 2014 at 13:33.

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This Report was created 13 Mar 2025 - 00:13:05 GMT from information held in the Gloucestershire section of the Places of Worship Database. This was last updated on 13 Oct 2021 at 14:13.

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